Message from Dr.Ishitani
Regarding Publication of the Newsletter

We are deeply grateful for the support of all stakeholders, which has significantly contributed to the success of the 3rd/4th Joint SCPSC conference held this April, and allowed us to overcome the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic over the past three years.
Since then, we have received much praise from various quarters with regard to the rewarding content presented at this conference.
Amidst these problems, there was a strong desire for the issuance of an SCPSC newsletter. In response to these requests, the secretariat has strived diligently and, though still inexperienced, have managed to publish this, the inaugural issue. Moving forward, we hope to develop a meaningful newsletter that grows with your input and suggestions.
Kunihiko Ishitani President of The International Research Society of the SCPSC
President, Higashi Sapporo Hospital
Asian Editor, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
Latest News
Dr. Jacob Strand’s lecture at 3rd/4th Joint SCPSC was published in JPSM.
Effect of an artificial intelligence decision support tool on palliative care referral in hospitalized patients:
A randomized clinical trial. Patrick Wilson et al., JPSM, 66, July, 2023.

July 25, 2023 - Joining IAHPC
As already announced on our conference's website homepage, we are pleased to announce that we have been listed in the directory of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC JAHPC website). IAHPC is a non-profit service organization dedicated to the advancement and development of palliative care, in collaboration with entities such as the World Health Organization (WHO).
Currently, the IAHPC encompasses 1,005 facilities from 119 countries.
This affiliation is expected to provide our conference with a broader international platform for further contributions.

Member's News
Collaborative Research with Dr. Klepstad

We are pleased to announce a collaborative research project with Dr. Klepstad, a prominent member of SCPSC, focusing on the frequency of thiamine deficiency in ICUs. By combining the expertise of Dr. Klepstad's group with that of our own group in Japan, we anticipate achieving research results that will enhance patients' quality of life.
We consider this collaboration to be a successful outcome of the exchange of ideas within the SCPSC. This collaboration among researchers serves as a great example of initiating new research endeavors. We hope that the SCPSC will continue to be a source for novel research projects in the future.
Hideki Onishi
Vice-president of The International Research Society of the SCPSC
Member's News
June 2023

We are pleased to announce that we have received confirmation of Dr. David Hui's acceptance to join the SCPSC conference board.
Here is a message from him:
"I am honored to be invited as a board member of SCPSC. Happy to contribute to program planning."
According to communications received, Dr. Hui commented that, "SCPSC gathers renowned researchers from around the world – it's like the Olympics of our field!"
August 2023

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Daisuke Fujisawa has graciously accepted an invitation to join the SCPSC conference board.
As many of you are well aware, Dr. Fujisawa currently holds the position of Associate Professor at Keio University School of Medicine (Department of Patient Safety Management / Department of Psychiatry and Neurology / Palliative Care Center).

August 2023

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Craig Blinderman has graciously accepted our invitation to join as a board member of our conference. Dr. Blinderman is currently employed at Columbia University Irving Medical Center. Starting from November 1st, he will assume the position of Director of Supportive Care Services at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Dr. Blinderman has an extensive portfolio of publications and academic works spanning various fields.
The introduction of the new board members is listed in order based on the information available at the end of August.
Member's News
Contribution to BMJ SP Care Blog

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Toshiaki Kusakabe, the Executive Committee Chair of SCPSC and Vice Director of Higashi Sapporo Hospital, has contributed to the BMJ (British Medical Journal) SP Care blog.
Titled “History of Higashi Sapporo Hospital and the Progress of the SCPSC," Dr. Kusakabe's article traces the history of Higashi Sapporo Hospital, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in April 2023, and also discusses the inception of SCPSC. The article provides some particularly interesting insights into these topics.
The article was published in two parts on September 5th and September 12th.
For more information, please visit the BMJ SP Care blog at or the official BMJ website at

This photograph captures a memorable moment from the inaugural SCPSC event held in 2014:
"The Spouse Program" group photo.
At the request of Dr. Ishitani, the spouses of the international presenters were taken on a guided tour of Sapporo city.
The coordinator, though feeling nervous due to her limited English proficiency, still recalls the warmth with which everyone interacted, an experience that made it hard to believe it was their first meeting.
(Allow me to share an episode from this occasion:
During a guided tour of Hokkaido Shrine, when entering the main hall for a health blessing, the attendees noticed several boxes of canned beer placed as offerings.
They asked, "Why are there so many cans of beer?"
The coordinator understood that their question was quite valid, but although it's customary to offer alcohol to deities during shrine visits, she hadn't considered it before.
The coordinator tried to explain that Japan has a tradition of offering alcohol to the gods, but her explanation seemed inadequate to communicate why beer specifically, and she felt that attempting to explain this in English was practically impossible. As a result, she was unable to provide an adequate answer, and stills feels sorry about it to this day)
However, it was particularly memorable to see Susan and Fabienne, who have been participating in the Spouse Program each visit, and have become close friends. It was heart-warming to see them wearing broad smiles and she felt that, "These two are my cherished friends."
Announcement from the Secretariat

We are pleased to inform you that the cover design for the "SCPSC 2023 PHOTO BOOK," a project we have been planning for some time, has been finalized! Once it's ready, we will send copies to all speakers and session chairs of the 3rd & 4th Joint SCPSC.
You are going to love it!